This days I had to send a multiple page PDF with a bunch of pictures on it, but requirements said that it needed to be smaller than 5Mb. With Ghostscript I was able to transform a 10.9MB file into a 1.2Mb without loosing quality, since it was mandatory that the small letters contained on the PDF were completely readable.

To work with ghostscript first you need to install it:

[tatica@libro ]$ sudo su –

[root@libro ]$ dnf -y install ghostscript

Then we exit the root mode and locate at the folder where we have the file, in my case:

[root@libro ]$ exit

[tatica@libro ]$ cd /home/tatica/Documentos/archivo-maestro.pdf

To run ghostscript let me first explain you the options you can choose, and what you can archive with each one of them:

/prepress (default) Higher quality output (300 dpi) but bigger size

/ebook Medium quality output (150 dpi) with moderate output file size

/screen Lower quality output (72 dpi) but smallest possible output file size

In my case, I want the file to be compress, but not to loose quality, so I ran my script with the ebook option:

gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/ebook -dNOPAUSE -dQU
IET -dBATCH -sOutputFile=archivo-resultante.pdf archivo-maestro.pdf

and that’s it. Remember that the output file comes first, and the file you want to convert comes at last (I know, tricky). If you used it, let me know how did that work for you!

This post has a nicer formatting that can be seen at it's original source at , so feel free to hit the link and read better version!

Cuando se gestionan muchas maquinas virtuales en Azure a veces es necesario automatizar los procesos de encendido/apagado, para esto existen multitud de opciones, muchas de ellas se pueden encontrar en el mismo portal de Azure pero en esta ocasión les compatire un código que pueden utilizar para dicho propósito.

El mismo se encuentra alojado en Gitlab bajo licencia GPL v2 y puede acceder a el haciendo clic aquí.

Espero les sea útil, saludos…